Section 1. The President shall appoint a Membership Committee of three members whose duties shall be to review all applications for membership and to conduct careful investigations as to the personal and professional qualifications of all applicants. The recommendations of the committee shall be sent to the Executive Committee six weeks before the next quarterly meeting.
Section 2.Every candidate for Active, Senior, Inactive, Affiliate, or Resident Membership shall be proposed by at least two members of the Society on the required application form furnished by the Secretary. Appropriately completed membership applications shall be in the hands of the Secretary at least two months before the date of the next quarterly meeting. One month before the quarterly meeting the Secretary shall send to each member of the Society a list of all candidates for membership, including a summary of their qualifications and the names of their sponsors. Members are urged to submit to the Executive Committee written comments on the Candidate’s qualifications for membership.
Membership category requirements follow:
Active: An applicant for Active membership must be licensed to practice medicine in Colorado, actively practicing neurosurgery in the state of Colorado, and either have completed the residency training requirements of a neurological surgery program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education and remain Board eligible or be certified by the American Board of Neurological Surgery, the American Osteopathic Board of Surgery, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or the Mexican Council of Neurological Surgery.
Senior: Senior membership shall be granted to any person 65 years of age or older who applies to the Secretary/Treasurer in writing and is an Active Member in good standing. A Senior Member shall be exempt from payment of annual dues but may continue to participate in Society activities.
Affiliate: Affiliate membership is open to allied healthcare professionals or other physicians involved in neurosurgically related patient care, teaching or research, but ineligible for Active Membership. They cannot hold office in the organization, and do not hold voting rights at the Annual Executive session.
Inactive: Active Members in good standing may apply to the Secretary/Treasurer in writing for Inactive Membership, due to the onset of long-term illness, retirement from active practice, or for other reasons deemed sufficient by the Executive Committee. Inactive Members shall be exempt from payment of annual dues, and do not hold voting rights at the Annual Executive session.
Resident: Resident membership is open to residents and fellows in programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) or the Society of Neurological Surgeons (SNS) Committee on Advanced Subspecialty Training (CAST) upon the recommendation of their Program Director. They cannot hold office in the organization, and do not hold voting rights at the Annual Executive session.
Section 3. The Executive Committee shall have the power of decision in the consideration of each candidate’s eligibility and its judgement upon each eligibility shall be final. No candidate for membership shall be voted upon at the Executive Session of the Society unless recommended by the Executive Committee.
Section 4. Election of membership shall be by ballot at the Executive Session at the quarterly meeting and if three-fourths of the ballots are favorable the candidate shall be declared elected.
Section 5. The names of all candidates who have not been recommended for membership by the Executive Committee one year after nomination shall be withdrawn and their sponsor notified. A subsequent application of such candidate can be made after a period of two years. Any candidate for membership who has been recommended by the Executive Committee but not elected by the Society cannot be proposed again for a period of two years.
Section 6. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to investigate any charge of the unethical practices brought against a member of the Society and shall makes its recommendations in the matter to the Executive Committee. Following such investigation and recommendations, any member considered guilty of unethical practice may be expelled from the Society by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee. Action of the Executive Committee shall be final.
Section 1. The officers of the Society shall be elected from the Active Membership whenever a vacancy in an office occurs. Those officers newly elected take office at the time of their election.
Section 2. In the case of an unplanned vacancy in an office, it shall be filled by an appointment by the Executive Committee.
Section 1. Every Active Member on his election to membership shall pay an initiation fee of fifty dollars ($50) by which act he acknowledges and accepts the Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 2. Every Active Member shall pay annual dues of one-hundred dollars ($100.00) in advance, due January 1, and if unpaid by March 1, becomes delinquent.
Section 3. Reminder notices for unpaid dinner bills will be sent by the Secretary 6 months after they are incurred. If they are not paid by 9 months, a $100 fee will be assessed, and total payment of the unpaid bills plus the $100 will be required to prevent suspension from the Society. If suspension occurs, an additional $100 reinstatement fee will be required in addition to the entire amount in arrears for membership to be reactivated.
Section 4. The expenses of the quarterly meeting shall be paid principally from funds received as registration fees for that meeting. The amount of the registration fee for each meeting will be set by the Executive Committee.
Section 5. The prorated expense of an invited guest shall be borne by his host.
Section 6. While on temporary duty with the Armed Forces, any Active Member shall be exempt from paying dues.
Section 1. At the request of any member, the Secretary may invite a guest to attend the quarterly meeting. His host will be responsible for the expense of the meeting for that guest.
Section 2. The limitation of the number of guests to attend any given meeting shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee and the host for said meeting.
Section 3. Invited guests shall be entitled to all the privilege of the Society during the meeting except attendance at business or Executive Sessions.
Section 1. The Colorado Neurological Society shall meet quarterly at such time and place as designated by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. There shall be at least one annual Executive Session of Active Members of the Society at which the order of business shall be as follows:
1) Reading of the minutes of the last meeting.
2) Report of the Secretary/Treasurer
3) Report of the Historian.
4) Report of the Executive Committee.
5) Appointment of the Auditing Committee for coming year.
6) Reports of Special Committees.
7) Unfinished business.
8) New business.
9) Election of members.
10) Report of Auditing Committee for current year.
11) Report of Nominating Committee
12) Election of Officers.
Section 3. Members shall sign the permanent register of the Society as a record of their attendance. A special register shall be provided for guests.
Section 4. Special meetings of the Society may be called on the advice of the Executive Committee. Every member shall be notified of the place and time of the meeting at least two weeks in advance.
Only Active Members shall attend any Business Session and shall constitute a quorum for business.
“Robert’s Rules of Order – Revised Edition” shall be the parliamentary
Authority in all matters not specified in the Constitution of By-Laws.
Section 1. The President shall appoint, with the approval of the Executive Committee, the following committees:
1) Auditing Committee consisting of three members whose duty it shall be to examine the books of the Treasurer and report on the same during the annual Executive Session.
2) Program Committee of which the Secretary/Treasurer is a member.
3) Chairman of a Committee on Arrangements for the quarterly meeting.
4) Membership Committee.
5) Nominating Committee which consists of the immediate three Past Presidents.
Section 2. The President shall appoint such other committees as indicated.
Membership may be forfeited for reasons deemed sufficient by the Society which may be effected by a three-fourths majority vote.
Section 1. An abstract of all papers to be read must be in the hands of the Program Committee one month before the meeting, excluding those presented by invited guests of the Society. The Committee shall exercise the right of accepting or rejecting papers.
Section 2. The time allotted for the presentation and discussion of a paper shall be at the discretion of the Program Committee subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. A tentative program shall be sent to each member by the Secretary two weeks prior to the stated meeting.
These By-Laws may be amended at the annual Executive Session by approval of three-fourths of voting members present, provided due notice of the proposed change has been given to the membership at least two months before said meeting.